Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Brushing Up Against the 80-20 Rule With an Online Education

Have you ever talked to someone that did not have an advanced degree from college or a university, but they seemed like one of the smartest people you had ever met? Sometimes these people that are completely with it are entrepreneurs or they run their own business, while others became book smart from reading, studying on their own, spending time in the library or from surfing the Internet. That's right in this day and age just about anyone can get an online education for free.

Just about any type of question you can type into the search engine you will find the answer too. In fact, and I mentioned this the other day to someone while I was sitting in Starbucks, you can become an almost quasi-expert in just about anything in about 2 to 3 weeks of diligent and hard-core study online. You can go onto Google Scholar and read all the latest white papers, and research papers on a given subject.

You can go to YouTube and download videos of actual university professors teaching classes and giving lectures. You can go onto Wikipedia and learn "all the world's knowledge" on a given subject. You can go onto Google Earth and fly over a region of the world, and zoom in to really get an understanding of the layout of the city or area.

You can join social networks and talk with other qualified experts in the field, some that may have been in the industry for 10 to 20 years and ask them questions and start up dialogs. Now I'm not saying that you can get a PhD or an advanced degree array of knowledge on a given subject by spending only 2 to 3 weeks online. But I would submit to you that you can brush up against the 80/20 rule by giving 100% of your efforts for a 2 to 3 week period on any given top.

They say that 80% of the people in any given industry are just placeholders, while 20% of the people are the movers and shakers. If you can get to the top of the 80% in that short amount of time you will be brushing up against those that really know what they're doing in that industry or area of human endeavor. At that point you will be at a place and have enough knowledge to ask very good questions, and then maybe you can break into that 20%. Please consider all this.

Education is the Key to Green Living

Green living is on everyone's mind these days but do you really know what it means to live green? It's more than simply separating the trash into different bins to be picked up or using energy saving light bulbs. Green living affects every aspect of your life. Making your home more energy efficient is a great way to start living green but there is so much more that you can do. For example, buying fuel efficient vehicles, car-pooling or simply cutting back on how often you drive by walking whenever it's practical are all part of living green.

Living green also includes the following areas of your life:

Personal hygiene products
Cleaning supplies
Drinking water
Laundry products
Pet products

Basically, every aspect of your life can reflect green living in some way. Each time you go shopping for anything you should know what's green and what's not. Learn how to host a green dinner party or how to barbeque the green way. The more you learn, the more of an impact you can make when it comes to reducing the amount of resources you use.

Education is the key to green living because it's the only way a person can learn what it truly means to live green. You need to learn about the problems the world faces, what caused them and what can be done to help. The more information you have, the easier it will be for you to make decisions that have a positive effect on the environment. When you're ready to learn more about green living, there are many online resources that can provide the information you need.